Our Nation is Weeping

Cathy Kinard
4 min readJul 21, 2020


I weep.

I weep for the mother who lost her only son to an madman’s bullet at his front door of the sacred space of his home.

She nearly lost her husband as well.

I weep for the mothers in Portland who formed a human shield in protest against the Federal occupation of their city, only to be tear gassed by their own country for speaking out against injustice and tyranny.

I weep when I read about nurses in Texas who are horrified to find ants crawling on their patient’s bodies who are critically ill with Covid 19.

We aren’t in a third world country. However, maybe we have become just that.

The almighty dollar and politics have taken precedence over morals and integrity.

The lack of PPE continues with no end in sight, and my colleagues are in danger every day.

Professionals are speaking out on behalf of the people on the front lines, because if the front line workers did, they would be blackballed and fired. How many of them are the only ones working in a household and feel compelled to shut up and put up with horrendous conditions?

I weep when I witness trusted professionals in my medical community, and trusted medical professionals in our government put politics aside and BEG our citizens to wear a mask because our own president and elected officials won’t do it. And yet, we are still seeing deaths and disability because of the deniers.

I weep that we have a country where politicians will try to force children and teachers back to school in the middle of a raging pandemic because they feel that we have to ‘get them back to school’.

These same people wouldn’t even send their own children to school, but will sacrifice another mother’s child instead.

All in the name of the economy and politics, and without regard to scientific evidence.

Mothers and fathers who have lost their children.

Children who have lost their parents.

Some children have lost both their parents and are floundering to figure out as teenagers how to pay the mortgage, or if there is money left with their parent’s ATM card to purchase food. Yes — this story is true. I read that yesterday. It’s not fake news. Try telling those children who are now without their parents that it’s ‘just a flu that will disappear…..’

I weep for the glorious Ruth Bader Ginsberg who shouldn’t have fucking cancer four times by her late 80s and deal with hanging on to a Supreme Court seat just to keep our country from falling into an abyss.

This honorable soul should be able to yell ‘Adios Motherfuckers’ to the whole regime as she sashays on down Yellow Brick Road to enjoy whatever life she has left. She shouldn’t have to stick around to save the asses of the entire US. So many people in this country have proven themselves to be unworthy of her gracious gift.

I weep that we still live in a nation that was once recognized as a world leader but is now the laughing stock of the world. A pussy grabbing, vile, racist, gas lighting motherfucking orange haired narcissistic fraud has been responsible for bringing us to our knees. We are so vulnerable to a hostile takeover from another predatory government. Because of this temper tantrum toddler, the US has lost credibility.

We are locked in.

We are locked out of the rest of the world.

Think about this…the behavior of this one person caused all of it. It didn’t have to be this way…at all.

It was all a part of the plan for him — to isolate us from the rest of the world and to divide and conquer this country and the people.

Turn him off. Don’t listen to another motherfucking word that spews from that big orange pie hole.

He’s poisonous to all human life. He is really the virus.

As of a half hour ago, we’ve lost 140,630 because of his inept handling of Covid 19. Nothing matters to him except feeding his own bottomless ego. He is an empty shell, devoid of true emotions for other living beings. He has no intentions of making America great again. His only intention is to feed the Frankenstein of his ego and his grifter family and friends. His whole life is a fraud. Does anyone know if bone spurs are fatal?

What can we do?

Listen to the truth tellers.

Listen to the facts.

Look for integrity.

Follow the money. If it looks like it personally benefits someone to fulfill their agenda, and not for the good of this country, you need to stop supporting them. You can’t put lipstick on a pig.

Trust your common sense. If it walks like a duck, it’s a motherfucking duck that is leaving a trail of duck poop.

For God’s sake, listen to science. There is no one in my world of medicine that wants to create hysteria, or wants to increase business by infecting our citizens. We are the helpers. You should look and listen for the helpers, just like Mr. Rogers said. We have no agenda, other than to keep you healthy and save your ass when needed. We aren’t wearing masks and shields and plastic gowns as fashion statements. We are wearing them to prevent the annihilation of a civilization. There is nothing fun about it, but it is what we know needs to be done. Listen to us. Really.

And the last thing you must do is vote. Vote these self-entitled motherfuckers out on November 3.

I’m tired of weeping. And so is our nation.



Cathy Kinard
Cathy Kinard

Written by Cathy Kinard

I am a critical care nurse for 45 years. I’m a mother. I’m a wife. I’m a writer that’s been trapped in a nurse’s body. It’s time to speak my truth.

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