Don’t Turn Away From the Truth
The first five are the stages of grieving. Add the rest to what I see on a daily basis in the words and nuances of my colleagues that are standing on the front lines of this crisis.
To some people, their instinct drives them to turn away from the truth. They speak of wanting to shut out the reality of what is occurring in our world. Others want to believe that religion will be their salvation and that they can pray it away, disputing the scientific evidence that COVID 19 is spreading like wildfire throughout our world.
You can pray to whomever you chose. That is not for me to judge. However you need to pay attention to the scientific evidence that we are in trouble.
My medical community is absolutely feeling all of the above. I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut on a daily basis to read their words. Personal protective equipment has become the new phrase of the last month, and we have reached the end of the supply. There are not enough ventilators for this emergency and in the last twenty four hours the discussion has turned quickly to making decisions about who to choose to intubate, and who to choose for comfort care due to the lack of resources.
I’ve spoken to friends privately about how they lack the proper protection to do their job safely so that they can protect themselves and their families.
It’s only a matter of time before each and EVERY one of us personally knows someone who has died because of this. I’m terrified that I will wake up to see one of my personal medical community has succumbed to this pandemic because they did their job. We are already losing people.
People never awaken — -until it happens to them or someone they love.
This morning I woke up to read about a colleague and friend posting that she wrote out her last wishes yesterday. She doesn’t have to say anything further, because I know that she, as well as so many other people I love and care about are standing in harm’s way. I once worked side by side with most of them.
I know that they are not being overly dramatic.
Whatever you do, don’t turn away from the truth. Do what you can to help others. Protect yourself and your family. Abide by the requests of your state and local government to stay at home. If your state has not mandated a stay at home policy, call your representatives to express that it is a matter of life and death that they declare an order to do this. We will never be able to get the curve flattened if scientific evidence is ignored, and our elected officials chose pride and politics over human life.